Friday, February 17, 2012

No Eagles Here

Driving to work this morning, I headed out whee I have seen some Bald Eagles recently. I had seen a couple the other day in the field with some Sheep. Not seeing any Eagles, I kept moving, and out of the corner of my eye, I see these lambs playing, and acting up as if to say "Take Me". So I did.

Who are you and why are you pointing that camera at me. (That is the ugliest lamb I have ever seen)

I want in the photo, Move.

Can you make me a star? Or at least get me out of this fence?

The point here is that I did not see any Eagles but if you keep your eyes open, you might find something else to shoot.

Oregon's Duck - Crowd Favorite

As part of my regular assignment, I shoot the Oregon Ducks Men's Basketball games at the beautiful Matthew Knight Arena in Eugene Oregon. The Oregon Duck mascot is a crowd favorite, and always a fun photo opportunity. During the game on Feb 11th, 2012 the Duck decided he wanted to get his photo taken, so I obliged. Here are a few of the images.
The Duck loves to pose, and would make a great model.
Matthew Knight Arena is an amazing facility. Constructed in 2010, the 2011-2012 season is the first full slate of games played there. Along with Basketball (both Men's and Women's), Volleyball, and Tumbling for the University of Oregon, the arena hosts a full slate of concerts, and events.
Getting back to the Duck. With the surge in success for the Oregon football program, the Duck has garnered more and more publicity, being featured on ESPN commercials, and much more. Kids of all ages love the Duck. Just who the Duck is, is a secret, and the Duck never speaks (of course because Ducks can't talk).